[WIP] Use ElasticSearch with Mongoose
Working DRAFT
Connect MongoDB with ElasticSearch and GraphQL quite complex and long task and consist of a bunch of steps. Every step can be tuned for your needs.
1. Extending Mongoose ORM with elasticsearch data
For working with MongoDB collections and documents is good practice to use some ORM. For nodejs better solution is mongoose
. Also exists cool mongoose-elasticsearch-xp (by @jbdemonte) package (plugin for mongoose) which provides useful methods and hooks which ridiculously simplify data syncing with MongoDB and ElasticSearch.
1.1. Defining Mongoose schema with settings for elasticsearch-xp [SCHEMA DEFINITION]
import mongoose, { Schema } from 'mongoose';
import mongooseElasticsearch from 'mongoose-elasticsearch-xp';
// Embedded schema
const SalaryRangeSchema = new Schema(
from: {
type: Number,
es_indexed: true, // mongoose-elasticsearch-xp
to: {
type: Number,
es_indexed: true, // mongoose-elasticsearch-xp
currency: {
type: String,
es_indexed: true, // mongoose-elasticsearch-xp
es_type: 'keyword', // mongoose-elasticsearch-xp
_id: false,
// Main collection mongoose schema
export const JobSchema = new Schema(
position: {
type: String,
description: 'Person main position in resume, eg. "Sales manager"',
es_indexed: true, // <------ see `graphql-elasticsearch-xp` for details
es_boost: 3, // <------ see `graphql-elasticsearch-xp` for details
salary: {
type: SalaryRangeSchema,
description: 'Salary with currency symbol',
es_indexed: true, // <------ see `graphql-elasticsearch-xp` for details
employment: {
type: [
type: String,
enum: Object.keys(employmentTypeMap),
description: 'List of desired employment types',
index: true,
es_indexed: true, // <------ see `graphql-elasticsearch-xp` for details
es_type: 'keyword', // <------ see `graphql-elasticsearch-xp` for details
visibility: {
type: String,
enum: ['published', 'hidden', 'archived'],
description: 'job visibility options',
default: 'published',
onlyMongooseData: String,
timestamps: true,
es_extend: { // <------ see `graphql-elasticsearch-xp` for details
createdAt: { // pass timestamps to elasticsearch mapping
es_type: 'date',
es_value: doc => doc.createdAt, // custom value generation
updatedAt: {
es_type: 'date',
es_value: doc => doc.updatedAt,
id_keyword: { // pass id as ES keyword
es_type: 'keyword',
es_value: doc => (doc._id ? doc._id.toString() : ''), // custom value generation
to your Mongoose Schema with data filtering [SYNC MONGO & ES DATA]
1.2 Plug /* elastic */
JobSchema.plugin(mongooseElasticsearch, {
client: elasticClient, // <------ see `graphql-elasticsearch-xp` for details
filter: doc => {
if (doc.visibility !== 'published') {
// add to index new record with visibility='published'
// or remove existed record from index if `visibility` changed and not 'published' anymore
return false;
return true;
By default mongoose-elasticsearch-xp
will track add/remove operations and update your data in elasticsearch. In this case I provide filter
option, now it will track more clever model's inserts/updates and send proper changes to your elasticsearch server.
Already existed data can be synced via esSynchronize method.
1.3 Connection with elasticsearch server You should provide elasticClient
in step 1.2 (for mongoose plugin [UPDATING DATA]) and 1.4 (for graphql resolvers [SEARCH]). It holds connection of your nodejs server with elasticsearch server.
import elasticsearch from 'elasticsearch';
const elasticClient = new elasticsearch.Client({
connectionClass: awsElasticConnection, // <---- see elasticsearch js client docs
amazonES: {
region: /([^.]+).es.amazonaws.com/.exec(ELASTIC_HOST)[1],
accessKey: AWS_ACCESS_KEY,
secretKey: AWS_SECRET_KEY,
apiVersion: '5.0',
// log: (typeof __DEV__ === 'boolean' && __DEV__) ? 'trace' : 'error',
export default elasticClient;
1.4 Generate TypeComposer from elastic mapping [ELASTICSEARCH GRAPHQL TYPES + RESOLVERS]
import { composeWithElastic } from 'graphql-compose-elasticsearch';
import { generate } from 'mongoose-elasticsearch-xp/lib/mapping';
export const JobEsTC = composeWithElastic({
graphqlTypeName: 'JobES',
elasticIndex: 'job',
elasticType: 'job',
elasticMapping: {
properties: generate(JobSchema),
// elastic mapping does not contain information about is fields are arrays or not
// so provide this information explicitly for obtaining correct types in GraphQL
pluralFields: ['employment'],
See https://github.com/nodkz/graphql-compose-elasticsearch#typecomposer-from-elastic-mapping
1.5 Generate TypeComposer from mongoose model [MONGOOSE GRAPHQL TYPES + RESOLVERS]
import composeWithMongoose from 'graphql-compose-mongoose';
export const Job = mongoose.model('Job', JobSchema);
export const JobTC = composeWithMongoose(Job);
1.6 Relating Mongoose and ElasticSearch via GraphQL
Let connect put to search.hits
a fromMongo
field which will retrieve data from mongodb for founded elasticsearch record.
JobEsTC.getResolver('search').getTypeComposer().getFieldTC('hits').addRelation('fromMongo', {
resolver: () => JobTC.getResolver('findById'),
prepareArgs: {
_id: source => source._id,
projection: { _id: true },
Now you may do such queries:
fragment on Query {
jobEsConnection(first: $first, query: $query, sort: $sort, aggs: $aggs) {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
_score # meta-data from ES
_id # meta-data from ES
_source {
employment # record data from ES
position # record data from ES
fromMongo { # data from Mongo
salary { from to currency}
See https://github.com/nodkz/graphql-compose
Sorry bad docs in graphql-compose
. Really do not have time to write it. So try to see issues they contain a lot of info.
1.7 Add needed resolvers to schema [BUILD GRAPHQL SCHEMA]
import { GQC } from 'graphql-compose';
jobEsConnection: JobEsTC.getResolver('search'),
jobMongoConnection: JobTC.getResolver('connection'),
jobMany: JobTC.getResolver('findMany'),
job: JobTC.getResolver('findOnly'),
jobById: JobTC.getResolver('findById'),
const schema = GQC.buildSchema();
export default schema;
2. Some utility things
Reindexing you may also add to graphql.
2.1 Expose Elastic API to graphql schema
import { GQC } from 'graphql-compose';
import { elasticApiFieldConfig } from 'graphql-compose-elasticsearch';
import elasticClient from 'schema/elasticClient';
export const ElasticTC = GQC.get('ELASTIC');
name: 'onlyForAdmins',
type: ElasticTC,
resolve: ({ context }) => {
if (!isAdmin({ context })) { // <--- somehow check that you are admin
throw new Error('You should be admin, to have access to this area.');
return {};
# expose all elastic api via graphql
api: elasticApiFieldConfig(elasticClient),
// DONT FORGET TO add elastic to your schema (eg. to ROOT query)
elastic: ElasticTC.getResolver('onlyForAdmins'),
2.2 Add reindex helper method to graphql schema
import { generate } from 'mongoose-elasticsearch-xp/lib/mapping';
import { JobSchema, Job } from 'schema/job';
reindexJob: {
type: 'JSON',
resolve: async () => {
const result = {};
result.indexExist = await elasticClient.indices.exists({ index: 'job' });
if (result.indexExist) {
result.indexDelete = await elasticClient.indices.delete({ index: 'job' });
result.indexSettings = {
settings: {
analysis: {
filter: {
english_stop: {
type: 'stop',
stopwords: '_english_',
english_stemmer: {
type: 'stemmer',
language: 'english',
english_possessive_stemmer: {
type: 'stemmer',
language: 'possessive_english',
spanish_stop: {
type: 'stop',
stopwords: '_spanish_',
spanish_stemmer: {
type: 'stemmer',
language: 'spanish',
analyzer: {
default: {
tokenizer: 'standard',
filter: [
mappings: {
job: {
properties: generate(JobSchema),
result.indexCreate = await elasticClient.indices.create({
index: 'job',
body: result.indexSettings,
Job.on('es-bulk-error', err => {
if (!result.esSynchronizeErrors) result.esSynchronizeErrors = [];
result.esSynchronize = await Job.esSynchronize({
visibility: { $nin: ['hidden', 'archived'] },
if (result.esSynchronizeErrors) {
result.esSynchronizeErrorsCount = result.esSynchronizeErrors.length;
result.count = await elasticClient.count({ index: 'job', type: 'job' });
return result;
Now you may call reindexing all your data in elasticsearch via following graphql query:
query {
elastic {