Type creation
With graphql-compose
you need to create types under some schemaComposer
instance. By default graphql-compose
has a global schemaComposer
instance which can be obtained in the following manner:
import { schemaComposer } from 'graphql-compose';
But if you need to create several GrasphQL schemas in your app, you may import SchemaComposer
class and create schemaComposer
instances as much as you need:
import { SchemaComposer } from 'graphql-compose';
const schemaComposer1 = new SchemaComposer();
const schemaComposer2 = new SchemaComposer();
Take a note that schemaComposer1
and schemaComposer2
will have different type storages. And types in schemaComposer1
will not be avaliable in schemaComposer2
and vice versa.
Scalar types
Graphql-compose has following built-in scalar types:
via config
You may create scalar types via config, like with GraphQLScalarType:
const ScalarTC = schemaComposer.createScalarTC({
name: 'UInt',
description: 'Unsigned integer',
serialize: () => {},
parseValue: () => {},
parseLiteral: () => {},
via SDL
const ScalarTC = schemaComposer.createScalarTC('scalar UInt');
// or
const ScalarTC = schemaComposer.createScalarTC('UInt');
ScalarTC.setDescription('Unsigned integer');
ScalarTC.setSerialize(() => {});
ScalarTC.setParseValue(() => {});
ScalarTC.setParseLiteral(() => {});
Object types via ObjectTypeComposer
If you need to create some complex type with several properties (fields), you will need to use ObjectTypeComposer. It's a builder for GraphQLObjectType
has very convenient ways of type creation.
via config
Most recommended way to define your Output type. Such definition provides better developer experience with jumping to the type declarations.
const AuthorTC = schemaComposer.createObjectTC({
name: 'Author',
fields: {
id: 'Int!',
firstName: 'String',
lastName: 'String',
posts: {
type: () => [PostTC], // arrow function fot `type` helps to solve hoisting problems and keep ability to list all fields
args: {
limit: { type: 'Int', defaultValue: 20 },
skip: 'Int', // shortand to `{ type: 'Int' }`
sort: `enum AuthorPostsSortEnum { ASC DESC }`, // type creation via SDL
resolve: () => { ... },
Also this way of definition provides a lot of syntax sugar for field definition:
const AuthorTC = schemaComposer.createObjectTC({
posts: {
// wrapping Type with arrow function helps to solve a hoisting problem
// also using type instances provides better DX
// (ctrl+click allows to jump to PostTC type declaration in your IDE)
type: () => PostTC,
description: 'Posts written by Author',
resolve: (source, args, context, info) => {},
// using standard GraphQL Type
ucFirstName: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (source) => { return source.firstName.toUpperCase(); },
// also request `firstName` field which must be loaded from database
projection: { firstName: true },
// fast way if you need to define only type
counter: 'Int',
// using SDL for definition new ObjectType
complex: `type ComplexType {
subField1: String
subField2: Float
subField3: Boolean
subField4: ID
subField5: JSON
subField6: Date
// SDL for defining array of strings, which is NonNull
list0: {
type: '[String]!',
description: 'Array of strings',
list1: '[String]',
list2: ['String'],
list3: [GraphQLString],
list4: [`type Complex2Type { f1: Float, f2: Int }`],
via SDL
May have hoisting problems. Be aware that all used complex types must be already defined.
const AuthorTC = schemaComposer.createObjectTC(`
type Author {
id: Int!
firstName: String
lastName: String
via GraphQLObjectType
This is very useful when you want modify existed GraphQLObjectType
const AuthorType = new GraphQLObjectType(...)
const AuthorTC = schemaComposer.createObjectTC(AuthorType);
AuthorTC.getType(); // returns modified GraphQLObjectType
without fields
Useful when you write your own type generators.
import { schemaComposer } from 'graphql-compose';
const AuthorTC = schemaComposer.createObjectTC('Author');
AuthorTC.addFields({ ... });
Input types via InputTypeComposer
GraphQL allows to pass arguments for fields. You may freely use Scalar
s, Enum
s when describing input args. But what you should do in the case of mutations, where you might want to pass in a whole object to be created? For such cases for complex types instead of GraphQLObjectType
you should use GraphQLInputObjectType
. They they have small differences in its fields declaration:
- input object type has
- input object type does not have
- input object type does not have
If you need to create some complex type with several properties, you will need to use InputTypeComposer. It's a builder for GraphQLInputObjectType
has very convenient ways of type creation.
via config
Most recommended way to define your Input type. Such definition provides hoisting problems solution via wrapping types by arrow function. Better developer experience with jumping to the type declarations.
has the same type definition capabilities for describing fields as ObjectTypeComposer
- as string, as arrow function, as SDL.
const AuthorITC = schemaComposer.createInputTC({
name: 'AuthorInput',
fields: {
id: 'Int!',
firstName: 'String',
lastName: 'String',
status: {
type: 'String',
defaultValue: 'new',
address: () => AddressITC,
location: `input type LonLatInput { lon: Float, lat: Float }`,
via existed ObjectTypeComposer
You may convert your existed output type to input type.
const AuthorTC = schemaComposer.createObjectTC({ ... });
const AuthorITC = AuthorTC.getITC(); // returns InputTypeComposer
via SDL
const AuthorITC = schemaComposer.createInputTC(`
input AuthorInput {
id: Int!
firstName: String
lastName: String
status: String @default(value: "new")
via GraphQLInputObjectType
This is very useful when you want modify existed GraphQLInputObjectType
const AuthorInput = new GraphQLInputObjectType(...)
const AuthorITC = schemaComposer.createInputTC(AuthorInput);
AuthorITC.getType(); // returns modified GraphQLInputObjectType
without fields
Useful when you write your own type generators.
import { schemaComposer } from 'graphql-compose';
const AuthorITC = schemaComposer.createInputTC('AuthorInput');
AuthorITC.addFields({ ... });
Enum types via EnumTypeComposer
If you need to create enum type, you will need to use EnumTypeComposer. It's a builder for GraphQLEnumType
has very convenient ways of type creation.
via config
Most recommended way to define your Enum type. Such definition provides to set own values for every key.
const StatusETC = schemaComposer.createEnumTC({
name: 'StatusEnum',
values: {
NEW: { value: 0 },
APPROVED: { value: 1 },
DECLINED: { value: 2 },
via SDL
const StatusETC = schemaComposer.createEnumTC(`
via GraphQLEnumType
This is very useful when you want modify existed GraphQLEnumType
const StatusEnum = new GraphQLEnumType(...)
const StatusETC = schemaComposer.createEnumTC(StatusEnum);
StatusETC.getType(); // returns modified GraphQLEnumType
without fields
Useful when you write your own type generators. Enum has values (not fields), but for similar method naming with ObjectTypeComposer
and InputTypeComposer
in graphql-compose
methods for value modification have field
import { schemaComposer } from 'graphql-compose';
const StatusETC = schemaComposer.createEnumTC('StatusEnum');
StatusETC.addFields({ ... });
Union types via UnionTypeComposer
Graphql-compose provides the following helper for Union
types - UnionTypeComposer.
import { schemaComposer } from 'graphql-compose';
const DogTC = schemaComposer.createObjectTC({ name: 'Dog', ... });
const CatTC = schemaComposer.createObjectTC({ name: 'Cat', ... });
const PetTC = schemaComposer.createUnionTC({
name: 'Pet',
types: [ DogTC, CatTC ],
resolveType(value) {
if (value instanceof Dog) {
return DogType;
if (value instanceof Cat) {
return CatType;
// You may use UnionTypeComposer for field definition in ObjectTypeComposer
favoritePet: PetTC,
Interfaces via InterfaceTypeComposer
Graphql-compose provides the following helper for Interfaces
- InterfaceTypeComposer.
import { schemaComposer } from 'graphql-compose';
const TimestampInterface = schemaComposer.createInterfaceTC({
name: 'Timestampable',
description: 'An object with createdAt and updatedAt fields',
fields: {
createdAt: 'Date',
updatedAt: 'Date',
// When you create Interface, you need to provide instructions how to determine exact ObjectType from `value`.
// So if `value` is instance of UserDoc, then use `UserTC` as exact type.
TimestampInterface.addTypeResolver(UserTC, value => (value instanceof UserDoc));
TimestampInterface.addTypeResolver(ArticleTC, value => (value instanceof UserDoc));
If you want indicate that field or argument return an array of some type, you may do the following:
import { GraphQLList } from 'graphql';
field1: [AuthorTC], // RECOMMENDED just wrap in the regular js array
field2: AuthorTC.getTypePlural(), // call specific ObjectTypeComposer method
field3: '[Author]', // use SDL format
field4: new GraphQLList(AuthorTC.getType()) // use standard GraphQLList
If you want indicate that field is not empty or argument is required:
import { GraphQLNonNull } from 'graphql';
// field1: ???, // doesn't exists any regular object in js for expressing NonNull value
field2: AuthorTC.getTypeNonNull(), // call specific ObjectTypeComposer method
field3: 'Author!', // use SDL format
field4: new GraphQLNonNull(AuthorTC.getType()) // use standard GraphQLNonNull
Non-Null List of Non-Null values may be expressed in following way:
import { GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLList } from 'graphql';
field3: '[Author!]!', // use SDL format
field4: new GraphQLNonNull( // use standard GraphQLNonNull & GraphQLList
new GraphQLList(
new GraphQLNonNull(AuthorTC.getType())